Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post 5 Bethany Si Yue Mong

     Mabel Cheung is a well-known female film director in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Hong Kong University. Also, she held an Advanced Diploma in Drama and Visual Arts from Bristol University in United Kingdom and an M.F.A. in Film Production from the New York University Graduate Film School. Mabel was the award winner of Asia-Pacific Film Festival in 1985 and Hong Kong Film Awards in 1986. Also, she was nominated for the Best Director in Hong Kong Film Award 1988, 1990, 1998, 1999…etc. She produced a lot of films which influenced the Asian culture.

     As a woman, Mabel Cheung loved to make films related to women. She also loved to make movies related to race, social and gender issues. “An Autumn’s Tale” is one of the most popular films directed in 1987 by Mabel Cheung. This movie was a love story between a man from mainland China who migrated to New York and a lady from Hong Kong who studied abroad in New York. Although they were both from China, they had culture and social conflicts due to their different backgrounds. However, they fell in love because of their understanding towards each other.

     Unlike mainstream movies, Mabel addressed stereotypes in a decent way, which was rare in the Asia mainstream media in 1980s. At that time, most of the Asians learned about New York from the mainstream media/ television. However, Mabel presented the least attractive part of New York in the movie, which shocked a lot of viewers. For example, she illustrated the main characters lived in a very old and unsafe neighborhood. Because the house was next to the subway station, the house would shake and things would fall down when the train passed by. Although this was an exaggerated example, it did help the viewers to reshape their ideas of what they thought New York should look like.

     However, Mabel also emphasized the American dream in her film. She illustrated how the main male character changed from a restaurant waiter who did not speak English to an owner of a seafront restaurant. And, the director also described how the main female character changed from an indecisive girl who cared   too much about her look to a person who was independent and dreamed to travel around the world. Camille Deprez, a writer of “Stacilee Ford, Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale” said, “Ford subsequently examines how An Autumn’s Tale explores the myth of the American dream, which is generally associated with the opportunity to make it through individual effort, and goes beyond questions of assimilation in favour of a multicultural discourse.” This revealed the American society and showed how Mabel interpreted and presented her idea of Americans to her viewers.

     In “Beauty and the Beast of Advertising”, Jean Kilbourne said, “This is the real tragedy, that many women internalize these stereotypes and learn their “limitations,” thus establishing a self-fulfilling prophecy.” This quote reminded me of how gender roles changed our lives and how we viewed things. However, in “An Autumn’s Tale”, Mabel illustrated that genders were equal. Although women “internalize the stereotypes” given by the social, the media also did the same to men. In the movie, the main male character changed his bad habits and the way he dressed for the main female character. Also, he stopped cursing at people and fulfilled his dream because he wanted his girl to see his changes. This made me realized that stereotypes and gender roles in our society influenced both men and women equally. However, mainstream media was the reason why women were treated unfairly. I love this movie because this was very unique. It inspired me that everyone could make their own fairy tales even though in reality. Social norms and culture differences would not be problems in our lives unless we let them be.

Works Cited:
- Beauty and the Beast of Advertising, by Jean Kilbourne
- Stacilee Ford, Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale, by Camille Deprez
- Youtube video about how Mabel Cheung made “An Autumn’s Tale”: (In Chinese)
Youtube video

Here is the full movie of "An Autumn's Tale" with English subtitles. Enjoy!

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