Friday, February 8, 2013

Sim Simma, who's got the keys to my Bimma? Who Am I?

HELLO, EVERYONE!!! My name is Amanda and I, like everyone, ever, get kind of wonky when I have to write about myself.  This is more like a stream of consciousness than a formal introduction but, I believe that it represents who I am more than a clean, structured paragraph. I am a libra (HOLLA, AUTUMN BABIES) and a few of the things that I love include Ikea, eBooks, office supplies, and Breaking Bad (Aaron Paul is a hot, small package of greatness). I am a psychology major and I'm also pre-med (so original). I'm that girl from class that works at the tea shop and I am also one of those people that take their work home with them. Seriously, I'll post a picture of the ridiculous amount of tea that I have at home. Something that I really like about myself is that I'm comfortable speaking to anyone in almost any kind of circumstance. Something that I struggle with all the time is being more assertive and doing things on time and in a timely manner. According to Ayurveda, which is an ancient form of Indian medicine that's based primarily on one's personal imbalances, I am a double-dosha Kapha-Pitta. Basically I'm slow and steady and slightly prone to having a quick temper, which might be because I tend to keep my anger bottled up until it festers into a possible mental illness (FAMILY GUY REFERENCE, heh). Here's a cool link to find out what YOUR dosha is (it's super fun if you like stuff like that) . I am rarely philosophical and I respect the people who were cool enough to divulge the workings of their mind onto the blog. It was great, guys. I seriously read most of them.

Now, onto the actual topic of discussion, what is my place in our media-dominated world? Firstly, I appreciate the media as an outlet for public influence, but I also find it necessary to severely criticize the negative images and ideas that are perpetuated by it. I take part in social media like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and now the Twitterverse (holy crap, I'm officially one of those people, yikes) and I constantly see regular people idolizing other "regular" people for really dumb things. Things that probably won't help you get out of your parent's house before your 40th birthday. Let's take the Kim Kardashian epidemic, for example. Kim had rich parents and, initially, got even more rich from a.) having a personal video go public and b.) being some heiress bimbo's Monday through Wednesday best friend. She used her publicity to build businesses and got even more rich from that. That's all great for her, I applaud her entrepreneurship and her recovery (?)  from a humiliating event, but my point is that she had an early advantage by having a privileged life. That wasn't her fault by any means, but I DESPISE that the media puts such an emphasis on the idea that you don't have to work to be successful. You can just fake it till you're fabulous for realsies. But, it doesn't work that way and it hasn't worked that way for a lot of people who have put all of their effort into trying to make it work. We will never be fabulous if we don't realize what we're capable of in the real world! And I want fabulousness! And nice things! I digress. Mainstream television, movies, and magazines make Hollywood look so attainable and detract from the idea of people reaching their full potential through self-awareness and the realization of one's self-worth. I don't necessarily think that it's completely the media's fault that so many of us are uncomfortable with our place in the world, but I do not think that it helps the issue by circulating these kinds of ideas. I criticize the media because eventually I want to have a family of some sort. I do not want my kids to feel uncomfortable with themselves because of what they see on television or read in magazines. I want them to know that they are a product of a healthy, supportive world and that they are great human beings, no more and no less than anyone else. I am a consumer of media and I filter the things that inspire me to be a better, cooler person in my own right.

Also, all the silver bags are different teas. I have more but they didn't fit on the counter (sickening).

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