Friday, February 8, 2013

Ze says:

I am who I say I am
but am I who I say I am,
because you say I am that which I am?
Were the world a kinder place to outsiders, I would proudly introduce myself as a panromantic, asexual, agendered blandly original superhero. But alas I cannot remake the world, I can only make my way within it. As I exist now, I'd like to think that I am indescribable. I posit further that I need to be experienced for full effect. I've chosen to be who I want to be, yet I haven't figure that out yet; So today I am everyone and everyone is me. I've chosen Jay because I can. I've also chosen to cancel my subscription to any particular religion, culture, lifestyle, heritage, place. That is who I am, but it is also who I am not. Floating fearlessly in the void between homes means that I have chosen to reject every thing I have been conditioned to be.
I am who I am
because you said I couldn't be
who I am going to become.

I'm in the midst of a complicated relationship with Media. A few years ago, I could not be found without a connected device in close vicinity. Now, however, I have a phone which does not have internet capabilities, a laptop which functions as a stationary desktop, and a kindle which stands as an exception to the rule. I don't tweet, or blog, or deal with the print medium at all. I don't go see movies or follow the news. I sleep, and eat, and occasionally fulfill my media cravings with a telly marathon. YouTube, though, has become an ally for quick entertainment when I delve into withdrawals but Media and I don't really go beyond that.

Staceyann Chin is the reason I took my first Womyn studies class. I was introduced to her by a teacher in Jamaica and ever since, her words, her struggle, her guidance has helped to shape me.
"Feminist or Womanist", she asks.

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