Friday, February 8, 2013

Who I Think I Am

I guess if I had to use a word to describe myself it would be privileged. Born in the US, I moved at age 5 to my parents native Colombia when I lived till I was 12. While at the time I didn't see it, I always had food on the table, a roof over my head and was getting an education even though many of those around me were not as lucky and I think because of this even though I don't have what some what call a luxurious lifestyle, I am more than happy where I am with where I am headed towards. This privileged lifestyle has also brought on to me sense of responsibility to educate myself in what ways, however small, I could change the world for the better . I feel like that by educating myself and paying closer attention to the media I consume, I can help mold it in such a way that others can maybe change the more problematic parts of our media and therefore make it better.

As for my interests, I am currently majoring in Computer Science which I feel is a consequence of always being the one that fixed the computer in my house when it broke down. I also do some volunteering with New York Cares mostly in the various homeless and animal shelters around the city. I usually carry some kind of book or comic book with me everywhere and spend some of my free time playing football and baseball especially during the summer. I've also recently taken an interest in reading about portrayals of minorities in the "younger" types of media such as comic books and videogames and follow blogs such as 

The Social Justice League

which especially focuses more on the comic books/graphic novels side and their portrayals on the subject.

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