Friday, April 12, 2013

Project Proposal

For my project I'm contemplating creating a video alongside a work of poetry or a story.  My thoughts are to create some sort of short story or simply write some poetry and then construct a video to represent it and have the writing be displayed or told in the video.  It won't be some technical video as it would be my first video, so I'm thinking of either just a slide show or short live action shots.

The poetry that inspire me for my project would be works such as
 and of course masterpieces such as:

I'm currently working on some poems I might be able to use.  My target audience I believe would be more of the teenager crowd, it's always easier to influence the younger crowds.  The poems/video will probably make aware or ridicule and criticize the sexualization in our society and the unnaturalness behind it all.


  1. This sounds really cool. Lupe Fiasco recently did something like this. Maybe it can help guide you stylistically, or at least inspire you:

    Good Luck!

  2. This sounds amazing I'm excited to see the result :)
