Monday, February 4, 2013

Who am I?- Crystal Danielle Lodico

Who am I? Is a question that I ask myself  quite frequently, who I am has changed many times throughout the years through experiences and influences. My name is Crystal Danielle Lodico. I have a black kitten named kiki.My mother is Ecuadorian (which was the more dominant side in my upbringing) and my father is Italian . Since I was raised with a more Spanish influence although I  speak the language very poorly growing up I related to Latina women such as Jennifer Lopez and Selena. I was proud of my Latin heritage and had no problem identifying with it.I grew up in Maspeth Queens and attended high school in Poconos where my sister and I were the only non white people in the area. It was a very small town their racial views and how things should be done were very narrow over the years living there I learned how to "white" myself. I knew I couldn't stay there forever unless I wanted to have a future living in a trailer and have two kids with a husband in the army at the age 17 (unfortunate typical stereo- type). While in middle school and high school I had begun pursuing interests in  modeling, acting, photography and trained part time in a small recording studio. After high school I made the decision to move back to my beloved city NYC and studied at Nassau community college in long island for two years. There I learned how to engineer, produce, and even host my own radio shows. I also helped a bit with the TV station there. I moved to Brooklyn and transferred to Hunter in 2010 which I think was the right decision. So far since Ive been at Hunter I have had only one internship with the Rachel Ray show and did field work for an independent film but I'm hoping for more opportunity. I'm not quite sure where I fit in the media world but I'm always willing to trying anything once. I'm am very interested in studying how media affects people socially and how it influences trends. Living on my own has been experience sometimes it is hard to balance work, school, career, and social life. I  currently work at a night club and have worked at other various restaurants for the past 6 years. One of my favorite jobs that I had worked at for a year was in the West Village it was a Mexcian food Drag Queen bar, honestly love drag queens <3.

As of right now the person I am today is very independent I enjoy challenging and finding different outlets to express myself. I am also a huge Foodie <3 i will eat anything. My family are my support system. I love to read,write, travel. I hope to one day live in Europe. Health and fitness are very important things to me I truly believe if your good to your body a person can live forever.  I like natural things (my friends refer to me as a flower child). My favorite movies are those that have Marylin Monroe and Audrey Hepburn in them. I love all types of music back to Monkeys through the Be gees to Dub step I have appreciation for most genres although country is still growing on me. I love meeting new people and learning about them you never know when you can meet your new best friend or future connection. I love life and try to keep a open perspective to everything.

I think that pretty much sums it up lol :)

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