Friday, February 8, 2013

Who I am

Hello! My name is Nafi Shabnam. To be completely honest I’m quite simple and a very boring person. I like to sit at home and do nothing especially during the winter. I’m like a squirrel; I try to finish up all my work outside of home by the end of autumn so that I can hibernate during the winter. If I could, I would spend the entire winter tucked in bed under layers of blankets on YouTube and Netflix. Unfortunately that will never happen. I have a habit of smiling and laughing like a maniac all the time. The next time someone tells you about a girl who barely looks 16 smiling to herself on the train, it’s most probably gonna me.

I obviously don’t know what I’m doing in life because I’m planning on attending med- school with a degree in liberal arts (Media).Yay media but how it relates to the sciences I have no clue. I definitely enjoy the creativity in the field but I also like to analyze and critique the media and the way information is presented to us. I love watching movies but I have to finish it in one sitting and have to watch it from the very beginning even if it is coming attractions and movie promos. Also, absolutely no distractions while watching. As if these weren’t enough to annoy my friends and family, I have to ramble on and on about how strong or weak the story line was, how well the scenes were executed, what things made no sense at all even if it is just a movie, etc after the film is over. That’s always fun right?!? To me, yeah, to the people around me not so much.

My role as a media consumer for the most part tends to be limited to the after- show discussions no one wants to have. I’m not all that active on facebook or any other social network because I don’t see the point of it. It’s a great wall to keep in touch with old friends and family that you may not see all the time but that doesn’t mean put up a status every five minutes. I mean how much could have possibly happened in a person’s life that they have to update everyone constantly? Ironically I was thinking to myself the night before our first Saturday class I would never make a twitter account. And we all know how well that worked out.

I believe everyone is weird and crazy in their own little ways. I was debating whether or not I should get myself an ice cream Sundae right before the blizzard. I’m special, I know. I just love the thought of have hot fudge rolling down the scooped vanilla mountain under a cloud of sweet whip cream topped off with dry and/or fresh fruits and a lot of peanuts and almonds, in the comfort of a nice warm place while it’s freezing outside.      


Awesome!!! No wonder it won the Oscar for best short film.

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